
Projekt 365 - Pic of the day - 017.

"Nüffe, welche Nüffe?"
Eichhörnchen des Tages...

Squirrel of the day 

Volkgarten Kray | 45307 Essen


Projekt 365 - Pic of the day - 010.

"Geh ins Licht, Carol Anne"
"Go into the Light. There is peace and serenity in the Light."^^

Wattenscheid | 44866 Bochum


Projekt 365 - Pic of the day - 009.

Pandora oder Wonderland?

Eindeutig Herbst, daran gibt's nichts mehr zu rütteln...
I would have thought that was patently obvious, it's autumn...

Volksgarten Kray | 45307 Essen


Projekt 365 - Pic of the day - 004.

Weltposttag... ist hier ja eigentlich jeden Tag^^
World post day... is here actually every day^^
